GPS Lock Speed up tricks in Android Smartphone
Written By Rohmad Arifin on Friday, May 31, 2013 | 12:58 PM
Broid ever experienced this? The position has been in the outdoor GPS in android but not nge-lock to position us? Well first it complained about some Android users. Actually the problem is simple, you just change the server address nearest to acquire GPS satellite data. The result, in my palace was still able to capture the GPS signal. So how? There are 2 ways, as usual, way easier and way less complicated. Let's try it:
Method I:
The easiest way is to use software whose name FasterFix on Google Play Store. Oiya, before using this software, make sure the handheld is in the root and installed busybox. Display kira2 software like the above picture. This software is contained in daftar2 main server, so we choose to live, or you can also use a custom fit at the list server that is in the following two ways.
Method II:
Here need that kind of software called Root Explorer (of course at the handheld need to first root) to access the root folder on the handheld. Have access to / system / etc / gps.conf open with a text editor will display like this
Steps are changing NTP_SERVER to the server that is closer to our current location. Then? Where we can find the server address list that is close to our position? I suggest can be changed to or want mencoba2 servers one by one also can, please direct sambangin looking at Asia region. Good luck :) Description: GPS Lock Speed up tricks in Android Smartphone Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Rohmad Arifin ItemReviewed: GPS Lock Speed up tricks in Android Smartphone
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