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Install Bravia Engine Technology of Sony Xperia on your Droid

Written By Rohmad Arifin on Thursday, June 6, 2013 | 2:30 AM

Hi Broid :) Have you ever heard the word Bravia Engine? Yes, it is a technology that Sony made ​​in the implementation of their product TVs and handheld devices now present in the Sony Ericsson Xperia series. With this technology the user will feel the sensation of the display screen is very crisp and clear.
And what if this technology can we implemantasikan on devices other than Sony Ericsson? Well that's what we will discuss this time. I found a trick to make this happen immediately wrote tersebut.Ok then we try to trick her.
Oh yes, in case it's good to first backup your important data with Titanium Backup. Android devices also have been in a state of root yes.

1. First download the materials required
· Root Explorer
· File Bravia Engine, here is the link (click here)

2. Install Root Explorer, then open.

3. Extract the file you downloaded Bravia Engine.zip earlier, then copy danbe_movie be_photo file to / system / etc

4. Set permissions to rw-r - r - (press and hold on the file then find options Set Permission), do this on both files (be_photo and be_movie)

5. Find the build.prop file is in the folder / system

6. Select and hold the file earlier, and select Open in Text Editor

7. Scroll to the bottom line and add the following command.
ro.service.swiqi.supported = true
persist.service.swiqi.enable = 1

8. Press the Option key and select Save & Exit

9. Reboot your android device.

Now try Androiders feel the difference. If you ask me personally I still look Galaxy Mini looks much clearer than before, although the difference was not significant.

here is comparison between bravia engine and without bravia engine

Note :
Tested and work in my Samsung Galaxy Mini
Do With Your Own Risk
Description: Install Bravia Engine Technology of Sony Xperia on your Droid Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Rohmad Arifin ItemReviewed: Install Bravia Engine Technology of Sony Xperia on your Droid
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