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Tips on Optimizing Performance of Android Devices Have Specifications Low

Written By Rohmad Arifin on Wednesday, July 24, 2013 | 6:45 PM

Android is an open source operating system is very popular nowadays. Almost all manufacturers of smartphones and tablets use Android on their devices, it is because Android has quite a lot of applications, and most can be downloaded for free.
Some tablets and smartphones and the smartphone has specifications that low, so you have to manage your device to increase performance for applications that weight can make a smartphone or tablet and your smartphone does not respond for some time.
Here are tips to speed up tablets and smartphones and Android smartphones:

1. Do not often install applications:
This is the first step to improve the speed of your Android device. Some tablets and smartphones using the number on the application installation and most applications are not terribly useful. Avoid installing apps that are not really needed on your Android device, because it can reduce your memory.

2. Close unnecessary applications:
Each tablet and smartphones have limited RAM so it is essential if we are only open few applications at a time because if we open many applications at one time the tomb would make the memory work to be heavy and will slow down your Android tablets and smartphones.

3. Use light applications:
Always use applications that are not heavy like games and other graphics-heavy applications. Because this type of application requires a lot of storage space and RAM for installation to a great start.

4. Use Task Manager:
Regularly use the task manger you can download the Android or other task manager on Android Market. By using the task manager you can get an idea about the running application and the use of memory by the application.

5. Disable GPS features:
Almost all tablets and smartphones now equipped with GPS features, but most of the activities we did not use GPS. GPS running all the time will drain the battery and this reduces the performance of Android tablets and smartphones, so it is much better if you turn off the GPS feature when you are not using it.

6. Disable Animation:
Activate the animation feature in tablets and smartphones standard is not good for your Android performance and battery power. So it would be better if you turn it off from Settings menu> Display> Animation> Select No Animations.

7. Do not use Background Live:
Some tablets and smartphones equipped with the Android live wallpaper. It is true that we live wallpapers give special effects on the Android desktop, but it can drain the battery. Always use a normal wallpaper.

8. Manage Start-up Manager:
On the Android Market you can download many free apps for Android manage startup programs. Use startup manager you can disable or uninstall unwanted applications and improve the startup speed of Android devices.

9. Delete shortcut widgets and applications:
Android has a feature to organize widgets and application shortcuts on the desktop, but the shortcut widget and many applications that can reduce the performance of Android tablets and smartphones. By removing a few widgets and application shortcuts are not necessary, you will increase the speed of the tablet and smartphone or your Android smartphone.

10. Using a cleaner application:
Much cleaner free application available on the Android Market. Application cleaner can clean all applications cache and history files. Wash tablet and smartphone caches every time will help you to improve the performance of tablets and smartphones and the battery life.

Well, that's about the ways in optimizing the performance of Android, especially for the beginner who has a new Android smartphone. Good luck :)
Description: Tips on Optimizing Performance of Android Devices Have Specifications Low Rating: 4.5 Reviewer: Rohmad Arifin ItemReviewed: Tips on Optimizing Performance of Android Devices Have Specifications Low
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